Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Entrance Gates

The Entrance Gates

The entrance gates have been a labor of love. Dreadknot and I both decided that we would like sturdy wooden gates that offered security while at the same time being esthetically pleasing.

Due to the enormity of the project, it seemed that the most time efficient and cost effective method would be to build the gates off-site and then ship them once completed. Dreadknot went ahead and drew up the design of a steel frame on which he would attach the Redwood gates. Both mediums (steel and Redwood) were chosen for their durability. Redwood is known to be insect, weather and rot resistant due to a natural chemical found inside the pores of the wood.
The steel frames were formatted in our backyard workshop at our rental home, welded together and treated with rust resistant paint. Once the frames were ready we carefully chose our redwood planks from a source which certified that the wood was sustainably farmed and harvested.
Cutting, gluing and clamping to create the arches

Precision measuring 

The gate arches are looking incredible!

Waiting for the first coat of varnish

The design of the gates consists of an arch in the middle, tapering down to the sides which attach to the steel frames which in turn are welded onto hinges which will be welded to the posts. 
Creating the arch required an immense amount of precision cutting and gluing. There was no room for error as the gates had to fit exactly onto the frame.
Hawaiian-style outdoor workshop

This process took many weeks and finally the finished product was painted with a varnish.
Beautiful Hilo Bay

Renting a UHaul to collect the gates from the docks

These gates are heavy!!

Once transported to our property we erected the frames onto the post and then the gates onto the frames. All of this was very heavy and although I did help with some of the heavy lifting, kind neighbors passing by offered their assistance. Such an awesome show of  aloha once again. 

Gate frame is welded into place. Redwood gates will be installed onto the frame tomorrow. 

While Josh was working until sundown on the gate installation every day, I worked consistently on the garden. We were delighted at how many of the plants, especially the herbs had flourished over the past few months and quadrupled in size. Most notably the lavender, rosemary and pineapple plants. The experiment of growing oregano as ground cover has also been very successful. 

The only weed that we’re really having a problem with is a thorny creeping ground vine called Mimosa Pudica, also refered to as Sensitive or Shy plant. This plant closes its leaves when you touch it and has a pink flower. It thrives in the open, in sunny spaces and takes over if left to its own devices.

The gate frames were welded into place and the Redwood gates successfully mounted onto the frames. Dreadknot is the hardest working person I know!

Another visit to Puna Rock company was in order to obtain the gravel to fill in the footings of the gate posts, which amounted to a lot of shoveling but was well worth the effort.

Next installment will be front of property fencing.
Enjoy the video: